
Food Basket Distribution in Idlib Suburbs

Food shortage is a lifeline concern for an increasing part of the Syrian population because of the harsh war conditions that make it difficult to afford food along continual price changes and limited ability to face financial challenges.

Generous Support of a Benefactor

A benefactor, who chose to remain anonymous, has supported the provision and distribution of food baskets in Idlib suburbs. “Beyaz Eller Organization” has successfully implemented the project, supervised by “Abdullah Al-Nouri Charity Society”. Adequate amount and variety of food was packed in each basket, including sugar, groat, pasta, margarine, cooking oil, lentil, tomato sauce, jam, and beans. The quantity aimed to cover a five-member family’s need throughout a full month. The project reached 3,125 beneficiaries in Idlib suburbs.

A Flash on their Hardship

Our field teams inside Syria conduct regular surveys of households to determine need type and severity as means to guide future projects of “Beyaz Eller Organization” and, thus, ensure effective treatment of the renewed crisis.

A woman, 50, said:


An elder,60, said as pain and grieve poured from his face:

“After my husband had passed away, my son and I had to work in many places to afford basic food needs and support my other three children.”
“After my leg had been cut, I could not go to work and afford food or clothing to my children. The work I do does not sustain a large family as mine.”

Continued Support

“Beyaz Eller Organization” work on supporting many groups in the Syrian community and strives to reach assistance  to the neediest deservants by preparing lists and case studies and conducting field surveys.

Our work rests on provision of financial and in-kind assistance to many individuals and households with greater focus on war-afflicted areas.