
“Urgent Relief” Project for Eastern Ghouta

Children amid war

Children are primary victims of any military conflict. Death, loss, and unrelievable psychological suffering continue to mark their lives for decades. For over seven years, thousands of children have lost their lives to violence and nearly every Syrian child has experienced injuries and loss of father or/and mother. In return, some of our projects focused on children in conflict-heated zones. In Eastern Ghouta, we targeted children afflicted by siege, food scarcity, and malnutrition.

Our Project and its Results

In Eastern Ghouta, “Beyaz Eller” targeted families with afflicted children to alleviate their ever-mounting suffering amid a stifling siege and an escalated full-scale bombardment. Supported by “Ruhama’u Baynahum” Team of Bahrain, the organization addressed over 600 malnourished children with kits consisting of milk, biscuits, and nutritional supplements. Also, the project included distributions of 1,176 hot meals with basic nutritional values and 1,000 bread bundles to the neediest households. Hot meals and food assistance reached 2,000 five-member households (nearly 10,000 beneficiaries).

Siege and Suffering

A  field-based paramedic said to our team..


A mid-agd benefiter had to run away…

“Children are stuck here for over three weeks. We ran out of food and medicine while supply lines are blocked or hard-to-reach because of the ceaseless bombardment..”Adding, “the situation is horrific, we are being killed by hunger and food scarcity if not by bomb and warfare.”
One of our benefiters, 40, speaks about his perplexed situation… “I am a father of three young children. I had to take them to this shelter after my house had been destroyed. The three suffer from dire malnutrition and I am afraid of losing them after all”

Here, victims are too many!

Loss has not spared anyone in Eastern Ghouta; everyone is grieving their beloved and tries to keep what remains of them. An elderly who had lost her husband and children foresees life with some hope as she says: “nothing is left but my young grandsons. I am trying to come over my pain and stay resilient in face of these difficulties, no matter how much it costs me to do so.”

And yet, our aim is to help everyone in need…

Syria’s escalating humanitarian crisis puts on our shoulder a duty to continue evaluating needs and priorities and extend help to everyone in need. In collaboration with several partners, our projects expand to reach more communities and help them overcoming the traumatic situation.