
Qurbani project 1442 – Rahma Islamic Relief Fund

اضاحي جمعية الرحمة النرويج

The days of the blessed Eid al-Adha, the days of worship and closeness to God, the days of Qurbani, have passed, as did our father Ibrahim, peace and blessings be upon him.

The Beyaz Eller Association, in cooperation with the Rahma Islamic Relief Fund, provided 56 sheep Qurbani to benefit more than 448 displaced families in Idlib countryside. (2,240 beneficiary)

as It is mentioned that Idlib governorate includes millions of displaced people from various Syrian governorates after the forced displacements, in which the people of those governorates left everything they owned and their homes behind and resorted to tents in areas that are considered safer, but the population density, the spread of unemployment and the lack of job opportunities, in addition to the high prices of materials led The poor living conditions of the displaced and even the original people of the area, and the effect of that was clear in depriving many people of tasting meat from Eid to Eid.