
A strangled Siege and Renewed Suffering – Siege of East Ghouta

the guouta siege

A strangled Siege and Renewed Suffering

Amid a prolonged siege of East Ghouta, the humanitarian suffering multiplies one day after another, and increased severity of basic needs rings the bell of a renewed crisis.

The siege has left no medicine for the patients and no food for babies. The situation is deemed to worsen in winter as many households lack the simplest means to withstand the cold.

To alleviate the suffering of those who still survive, and to support them in their ordeal, Beyaz Eller launched a new campaign "Save their Lives" to provide basic food and winter supplies to the besieged households in East Ghouta. The numbers reported from inside the area urges us to move quickly before it is too late.

Around 400,000 civilians live in a big prison in Ghouta deprived of basic life needs. The number of fatalities has reached 18,845, while more than 50,000 are injured, including 252 critical medical cases requiring immediate evacuation for treatment centres outside Ghouta, in addition to 5.258 cases of permanent disability.

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